it’s a new year, and i think at this point all the girlies are getting fit! it’s such great motivation and a great way to have fun while staying consistent with feeding the needs of your healthy lifestyle. getting into fitness and starting your journey can certainly be overwhelming at times. especially when scrolling through social media all you seem to see are influencers who have the best bodies, nice glowing skin, healthy hair, and living out a cute gym tik tok aesthetic. relax babe, starting your fitness journey is actually super easy, that could even be you!
looking back, i feel like i’ve always been pretty active. i played volleyball for years growing up and a little bit in college too, so working out has always been pretty natural to me. i do however, feel as if since i’ve recently dedicated more time and intention to my fitness goals and journey, i kinda went through the same feeling of being overwhelmed or nervous to fully dive in too, so i totally get it. not to worry darling, that’s exactly the reason i’m here writing this blog! i wanted to share a few things i wish i would’ve had when i first started. that way, as we start the new year, anyone who is in the beginning phases of their fitness journey has everything they need to be successful.
meal prep containers
whew, the power of meal prep. honestly, i don’t know what happened to me because i promise you, i used to love cooking! but, honestly now that i’m so busy trying to balance my work, blog, and social life all while still finding time to squeeze in for myself, i can say it’s not my favorite thing in the world. and that’s okay! meal prepping has helped so much since it allows me to stay consistent with eating healthier meals throughout the day without it taking up so much of my time.
pre workout
i wouldn’t say this is something you necessarily need when you first start working out, but something to think about as you begin to progress on. also, speaking of my favorite thing on the earth, i’m pretty sure i haven’t worked out one day without pre-workout since i first started using it. my workouts are just so much more intense, i legit love it. i also feel like when i take my pre-workout cocktail before i head to the gym, i’m able to focus so much more on my form and slowing down my movements.
milk frother
this is 100% a tik tok inspired recommendation. the day I got my frother my life changed forever. not really, lol. but i did feel like an official tik tok gym girl when i used it to make my pre-workout drink. it was so much better than using my fork or swishing it around my glass hoping it would fully dissolve on days i’m running late.
magic bullet
so, i was given one of these for christmas last year, and let me tell you, it’s the real deal. it is so much better than the one i was using before that would barely blend the ice or get stuck 5 times making one drink. i love this bullet so much because it makes it way easier for me to make my protein shakes and fruit smoothies after i leave the gym in the morning. for my people who struggle with eating breakfast in the mornings, ya might wanna get you soon because with the added activity your body will certainly need to be fueled properly. i can 100% relate because i hate breakfast lowkey, so i never used to eat it, but now once i get back its no problem for me to throw some fruit, veggies, and yogurt into the bullet and whip up something healthy for breakfast.
i’m not the best at remembering to take my vitamins if we’re being honest. i have an organizer on my bathroom countertop that keeps all of my vitamins in there so that hopefully as i see them in passing throughout the day, i set aside time to take them.. unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. luckily, i’ve starting using micro ingredients, and its been so much better! remember when i said i loved my magic bullet? well, here’s another reason why! micro ingredients has vitamins in powdered form so, when i make my smoothies in the morning, i can just throw my vitamins in there! taking my supplements in powdered form is even more beneficial because they then have a higher concentration, quicker absorption rate and they are easier on the stomach! genius right?
cute gym outfits
never really would have imagines a time where i would recommend this because i’ve always been one to wear old shirts and leggings to the gym. i’m so glad that has changed though, because i love my gym outfits and i am now a firm believer in “if you look great, your workout will be great”. there are so many cute workout sets on amazon that are bomb quality and that are also budget friendly.
cute athleisure outfits
recently, i’ve been feeling like i need two separate types of workout clothes. this way, i have clothes to workout in, but also have “workout” clothes that i just chill in. i think it’s become such a big thing for me now that i work from home, so i always want to be comfortable without feeling like i’m in pajamas all day. my girls that work from home… this may be something you should consider doing too, just so that way you have comfortable cute clothes for after the gym to work in too.
that’s it, now it’s time to go for it! always remember to be excited about starting your fitness journey. there’s no need to feel afraid or nervous, because the good thing about living a healthy lifestyle is that it’s never too late to start – and this is a great way to do so!
maybe soon, i’ll see you at the gym (:
-xoxo, dru